April 29, 2015

Class Update - Week 1

Welcome to AFM241 - Spring 2015

Every week, we will provide you with a class update. Typically each update will summarize what we have done in the previous week, what we are planning to do in the following week, as well as a reminder of assignments/quizzes which are due in the following week. Please start by reviewing the syllabus. You can access the syllabus from the following link: Syllabus 2015.

Course delivery will be based on a combination of lectures and hands on seminars.

During the first week’s lecture, we will use the Whirlpool case study as a way of exploring the main questions examined in this course (i.e., why firms invest in information technology, what investments they make, and how they justify/evaluate these investments). In chapter one (p. 1-25), we will explore patterns and trends in information technology spending, and adoption of new technological innovations.

During the first week’s seminar, we will start using data analytics (we will use R, a statistical analysis package) to understand technology adoption and patterns/trends of information technology spending.

Readings (read/review the following material before you come to class)
  1. Read the Whirlpool case before you come to class. You will have to purchase the case from the following URL: http://hbr.org/product/whirlpool-europe/an/202017-PDF-ENG?Ntt=%2520whirlpool%2520europe
  2. Read pages 1-25 from the text. You can access these pages from the following link: AFM241-pp. 1-25. The text is available from the bookstore.
  3. Follow the directions in the slides “Seminar: Intro to R & RStudio” to install R and RStudio in your computer. Read and try to replicate the R script in these slides.

There is going to be a quiz on Friday based on the Whirlpool case, pages 3-18 from Chapter 1, and material covered in the “Seminar: Intro to R & RStudio.” The quiz is open books,  you will take it online (via Learn), and you will have to take it during a specific time (12:30 pm).

Again welcome to AFM241 and best wishes for a healthy and productive term.

Prof. Theo Stratopoulos & Ms. Paula Bridgewater

April 16, 2015

Data Analytics and Data Visualization Workshop

9th Biennial Symposium on 
Information Integrity & Information Systems Assurance

Pre-conference workshop: 
Data Analytics and Data Visualization

Learn through hands-on workshops and post-workshop online material; featuring
  • IDEA Analytics (data analytics software)
  • Tableau (data visualization software)
  • R – the open source analytics solution